Seo Research Group (Apr. 2024)

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Congratulations on Winning Exellent Paper Presentation Award at KSIEC

Prof. Seo vitis NanoCamp @ Chungju

News 📰 (Please click the photo to see the detail)

서정길 교수, 투데이에너지 전문가칼럼 게재

The 3rd HYU-WSU Joint Workshop 

The 1st HYU-UP Joint Workshop

Visit of Professors from
University of Philippines

A send-off Dinner for
Dr. Vishwanath Hiremath and
Dr. Monica Louise T. Triviño

International Exchange Studentship

Visiting Seminar @ OMU, Osaka

Invited Seminar @ KSIEC-JPI Joint Symposium
in 53rd JPI Conference, Osaka

A send-off lunch for 

Dr. Reibelle Q. Raguindin.

The 2nd WSU-HYU Joint Workshop on Energy & Environmental Chemistry

서정길 교수, 대한석유협회 전문가칼럼 게재

Plenary Lectures at SiyentiPIKO 2023

Plenary Lectures at SiyentiPIKO 2023

19th KJSC (15~17 May,2023)

Top Cited Article in Electroanalysis

The 1st HYU-WSU Joint Workshop on Energy & Environmental Chemistry

Best Young Scientist Award
Dr. Monica Louise T. Triviño

TOCAT9 Poster Prize
Dr. Mahlet N. Gebresillase